Floor ’Em with a Great Elevator Speech!

You’ve got 5 minutes to MAKE YOUR PITCH! Just like the perfect elevator speech, your pitch should be so compelling that people want to hear it even after the ride is over!

Be personal, be passionate, and let the members of 100+ Women Who Care Salt Spring Island why your charity touches you.

Are you one of their volunteers? Do you sit on their board? Do you work for them? Has the charity affected you or someone you know in a personal way? Why do you just feel strongly about the work they do?

In a matter of 5 minutes, you’ve got to be able to tell what they do, what kind of impact they make, and what specifically they would do with the award money. Use the time you have to make a huge impact. Even if you aren’t chosen as the benefactor for that night, you have gained an audience of change makers who may have learned something new about their community. 


1. INTRODUCTION: Know the Facts

In the first minute of your presentation, introduce your chosen charity. Tell our members about the charity: who they are, what they do, how they do it, the people they serve, and the impact they have. 

We want to hear your story in your voice. Keep it simple: no props, AV, or slides.


Why does your charity matter to your heart? If it matters to you, it will likely matter to someone else. Use testimonials, stories and real-life events to help your audience make an emotional connection with the charity and gain an understanding of the organization’s values. If you want your voice to be heard, speak from the heart.


How will the money be used? People want to make wise choices as to where their money goes. Make sure you are well informed. Will the money be applied to the general operating budget to help your chosen charity grow? Will funds be used to purchase supplies, materials or technology? Will the donation be used to expand a program or service? 

A nomination is for a charity rather than a program operated by a charity. In your presentation, you may highlight specific programs run by a charity; however, if a charity is awarded the funds, please know that it can use those funds in ways that best help it meet its mission with local impact. 

“Showing them the money” doesn’t mean detailed financial statements but instead conveying how the money will be spent in a way that meets your audience’s need for accountability. Members who struggle to define where their hard-earned money will go once they write their cheque will find it hard to vote for that charity. Taking the time to find out where the money will go will give you confidence when making your pitch.


Practice your presentation to build your confidence, improve your flow and keep the jitters at bay. Recite it until it sounds natural, not forced or robotic. Time yourself to ensure that you can stay within your 5 minutes. Be familiar with your material and use your time wisely. Test your pitch beforehand with family/friends to collect feedback. Natural body language can add an enthusiastic tone to a pitch.

*You never know when something will come up and keep you from a meeting. Prepare for unexpected events by giving a copy of your presentation to another 100+ Women Who Care Salt Spring Island member, or send it to one of our Coordinating Committee members who will present on your behalf.


Please reach out to us, and we can connect you with other members who have nominated the same charity. Together, you can decide if someone can speak on your behalf.